- nmr.lab
- medium: pinhole photograph positive print on Kodak Endura
- camera: pinhole camera made from a 25 litre water-barrel
- exposure: 14 hours on 12” x 16” bw Ilford paper in NMR facility
- collaboration: Dr. Mark Howard and Dr. Michelle Rowe
- Protein NMR Laboratory: This view is of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometer superconducting magnet that is used to obtain information from atomic nuclei for the creation of protein structures or to understand how proteins behave and interact in solution. Experiments often take hours or days to run but this exposure was taken over a period of time when a liquid nitrogen cryogen fill took place and the ‘ghost’ of the nitrogen dewar and step ladders used can be seen.
- Dr. Mark J Howard Lecturer in Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy